How many albums do the prodigy have

Breathe has 49m. Timebomb Zone, released in December last year, has almost 5m. For more stories like this, and to keep up to date with all our market leading news, features and analysis, sign up to receive our daily Morning Briefing newsletter. Your site will load in 16 seconds. Full throttle: The Prodigy's chart history in numbers by Ben Homewood.

ABBA make epic chart return with Voyage. Charts analysis: Adele eases to the top of singles pile for a third week. Ed Sheeran scores fastest-selling album of Director of Musicians' Services.

Content Coordinator. Marketing Coordinator. Event Ticketing Manager. Their Official Albums Chart history is even more impressive: seven chart-toppers, most recently with last November's No Tourists. Check out The Prodigy's Official Charts history in full. Their biggest single is Breathe, the second release from their album The Fat of the Land, with , combined sales. The track spent two weeks at Number 1 and was released ahead of the album's six-week stint at summit.

Their second biggest song is Fat of the Land's lead single Firestarter , , a three-week chart-topper earlier that year.

The techno-rave track is generally recognised as their signature hit; their first Number 1 and released amid a flurry of controversy around its violent lyrics and music video. See The Prodigy's Official Top 20 biggest songs below:. All rights reserved.


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